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Frequent Q & A

What is Reiki?


We are composed of energy, the physical body is therefore the manifestation or representation of an energy field made of superimposed dynamic segments of vibration. Nothing rests. Everything vibrates. Everything, in some subtle way, moves.  An excessive, deficient, or obstructed energy flow creates illness or abnormal function. In turn, a balanced energy flow promotes health. Reiki helps guide energy in a way that promotes balance and healing, therefore restoring or maintaining a healthy flow.  The practice of Reiki can be implemented as part of your lifestyle management to help with your day to day, or as a complementary tool (use along with proven traditional medical treatment) when dealing with an illness.  Reiki is now one of the top three complementary in-patient therapies in U.S. hospitals, according to an AHA survey. Massage therapy takes first place, with 37% of hospital patients requesting it. Number two is music and art therapy at 25%, and a very close third is “healing touch therapies” at 25%, which included Reiki and Therapeutic Touch.

Several published studies have looked at the effect of Reiki on measures of stress hormones, blood pressure, heart rate, and immune responsivity, and on subjective reports of anxiety, pain and depression. The studies to date are typically small, and not every study is well designed. However, overlapping data from some of the stronger studies support the ability of Reiki to reduce anxiety and pain, and suggest its usefulness to induce relaxation, improve fatigue and depressive symptoms, and strengthen overall wellbeing.  


What to expect during a Reiki session


During the session, you will be fully clothed and laying down on a treatment table. Reiki is offered through light, non-invasive hand touch while hands are being held in a series of locations on the head, back, and front torso. 

Receiving Reiki is a wonderfully passive experience. Don/t try to relax, just let the Reiki relax you.  Your state will shift quite naturally as the session proceeds.  Meanwhile feel free to daydream, allow yourself to experience emotions, enjoy the music, or simply observe your breath or sensations.


What to expect after a Reiki session?


You would leave your session feeling refreshed. You may also notice feeling more tired in the evening than usual, it is your body’s natural healing response, this is something for you to be aware of. People commonly report a sense of calm and mental clarity, as well as improvements on their sleep.


A few suggestions for you to be comfortable during your Reiki sessions:


  1. Stay hydrated prior to sessions

  2. If you have music that you particularly enjoy  and which is relaxing, ask us to play it for you.  You can also request silence if you prefer.

  3. Use the restroom before your session so that you are able to lie down comfortably.

  4. Let us know your needs before you start. For example, if you have trouble breathing and lying flat is uncomfortable. Also, mention if it may not be feasible to lie on your stomach, or if there are any areas that you may not want to be touched (Like a scar or a sensitive spot).

  5. As the session progresses, you will feel more relaxed. If you become uncomfortable, you can adjust your position at any time. Be sure to ask for anything that will add to your comfort, such as additional support under your knees or a blanket.  

This is your special time and we are here for you!

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